Flyovers at Barfiwala Lane Junction, Andheri


Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority is contemplating to develop a master plan for integrated road development with the objective of strengthening and augmenting the existing road network particularly within the suburbs where intensity and demand for road traffic has been increasing significantly. As part of Master Plan it is intended to evolve efficient traffic dispersal system which will include provision of Elevated roads, Grade separators, Interchanges, ROB’s RUBs, subways, pedestrian vehicular underpasses, etc.

Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC Ltd.) on behalf of Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has decided to take up the Construction of Flyover at Burfiwala, Andheri

Salient Fetures

Name of the Project Construction of Flyover at times of Burfiwala Junction, Andheri
Type of Project Infrastructure Development Project
Original Contract Value Rs. 23.86Crores
Revised Contract Value Rs. 46.33 Crores
Completion Date Expected to be complete in all aspects by 26.01.2012
Original Overall Length of Flyover 567.7 Meter
Wearing Coat 6 mm Mastic Asphalt as water Proofing course over deck slab + 50 mm DBM + 25mm Mastic Asphalt as Top Wearing surface.