Administration Wing of any organization by virtue of its functions assumes most important position. Same is the case with MSRDC. The Administration wing of the MSRDC works under supervision of Joint Managing Director (II) who generally happens to be an officer of the rank of Secretary to Government of Maharashtra from I.A.S., Maharashtra Cadre. The wing is headed by Administrative Officer of the rank of Senior Deputy Secretary or Joint Secretary from Mantralaya cadre. The Administrative Officer enjoys status of Head of the Department in the Corporation. Some Staff including middle level officers in the Administrative wing work under guidance of Administrative Officer. Almost all activities / functions of the Administrative wing are performed through Administrative Officer.
The Corporation registered office is located at Nepean Sea Road, near Priyadarshini park, opp. Dena Bank in South Mumbai. The Administration wing works from the premises of Registered office.
The main functions of Administration can be further sub-divided into following sections:
Personnel i.e., H.R.
Personnel section deals with recruitment, promotions, transfer, leave and other service matters of the core staff as well as deputationist and persons who are appointed on contract basis. In the Corporation, recruitment is done mainly through:
- Direct recruitment to the core post of the Corporation and promotions of the core staff to higher posts in their channel of promotion.
- Deputation – Services of the personnel from technical and other fields are taken on deputation as per requirement of the Corporation. Engineers are taken on deputation from Public Works Department, other Government Offices as well as Semi Government Organizations. Tenure of such deputation is generally fixed by the Government or lending organizations.
- Since this Corporation, is concerned with various infrastructure projects there is always need of experienced and knowledgeable personnel. Therefore, some of the retired experienced and knowledgeable persons are appointed on contractual basis.
Accounts / Salary
A small Accounts unit works within the Administration wing which mainly deals with salary / allowances, and working of Income Tax, its deductions as TDS. This unit also prepares quarterly Income Tax return in Electronic form of the Corporation, which has now been made mandatory. This unit after financial year issues TDS certificate to all the employees including deputationist in the form No. 16. Pay fixation, recovery of dues, L.P.C., ‘No dues’ Certificate etc. handled by this unit. Various statutory payments in respect of E.P.F., E.S.I.C. in respect of core staff and professional tax for all staff members are made to the respective authorities on due dates. Pension and Leave Salary Contribution of the deputationist are calculated and paid to Accountant General’s office
Various subjects are handled as Housekeeping matters. It varies from maintenance of Corporation’s vehicles, their contract work, security, telephone, scrutiny and passing of bills of staff benefits, bills for hired cars, allotment of staff quarters etc.
Protocol and PR section
Keeps liaison with Government Departments, Chairman and Co-Chairman’s offices and other organizations. Arrangement of press conferences, various meetings, protocol, Corporations functions such as Bhoomipujan & inauguration, exhibitions and other activities are handled by this section. The Corporation issues various tender notices and advertisements in the newspapers. All these matters are also handled by PR section.
The subjects which are not specifically allotted to any of the units of the Corporation are looked after by Administration.
Documentation Centre and Library
Corporation has set up a small Library and Documentation Centre, which was functioning under Administration Control. Since this unit is located at project office at Bandra Campus the Centre and Library has now been kept under supervision of Additional Chief Engineer and Superintending Engineer whose offices are also located at the same premises.
Apart from above mentioned works, since this Corporation is having maximum number of deputationists, Contribution to the General Provident Fund and Group Insurance Scheme are also credited to the authorities concerned.
The Administration wing has recently finalized some of the Service Rules such as General Conditions of Service, Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules, Leave Rules and also the Recruitment Rules for various posts in the Corporation.
The staffing pattern of the Corporation has also been prepared by the Administration wing, which was approved in the meeting of Board of Directors in January February 2006. Administration wing has now proposed rules for promotions to the staff, which has been submitted for approval of the Board. The various staff benefits admissible at present have also been reviewed and Committee for this purpose has finalized its recommendations and necessary approval of the Board of Directors to these recommendations will be taken in due course of time.